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Flower Decorations

  Kindly ensure the information on this form is accurate.

Do you need a planner/Co-ordinator?
What services do you need: (Tick)
Guest Catgory
Do you have a venue booked?
Upload venue Picture
Upload venue Picture
Venue Type Preference:
Type of Event
What venue Layout will you prefer?
Any presentations or speeches?
If yes, please tick
Do you require any special effects?
Please tick the event resources within the scope
Upload Inspiration Pictures
Upload Inspiration Pictures
Upload Inspiration Pictures
Upload Inspiration Pictures

For themed events, props are essential in emphasizing the theme's ambience. If you're aiming for a detailed thematic experience, props will be rented or hired separately from the general decor, and the choices will be guided by your budget. Please ensure all details are accurate and share any images that inspire your desired decor style. Be informed that a non-refundable deposit is required before we initiate preparations for your event.

Upon receiving this form, an invoice will be dispatched to you immediately. For any inquiries or further details, feel free to contact us at

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